Partner with LCA

LCA is focused on offering top quality and current education and training in the field of Fashion, Interiors Makeup, Media and Lifestyle. Our sole purpose is to serve the need of the students and the design industry on the whole.

We are quite open to collaborations with like minded institutions world wide with very successful arrangements in the UAE, Kazakasthan etc in place we look forward to being present in several countries worldwide whom respect Design and its contribution to the industry.

To meet this purpose, we are always happy to entertain positive opportunities relating to:

  1. Franchise / Licensing arrangements
  2. Teaching LCA courses
  3. Internships for Students
  4. Industry Visits
  5. Speaker Opportunities
  6. Expert Short Teaching opportunities
  7. Student Study Tour Opportunities
  8. Top Up Opportunity
  9. Other Partnerships
  10. Others

Use the form or alternatively, you may email to:

Partnership Manager
London College of Arts

We revert to all enquiries within 24 hours of receiving them Mon- Friday.

Complete the Form

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